Friday, March 4, 2022

A New Stitching Series

So here's my newest project: "The Thirteen Moons Mystery SAL" by The Little Stitcher.  It is $30.00 for all thirteen charts.  The charts are released with each new full moon and can be ordered at her Etsy shop here. I'm very excited to start with the Wolf Full Moon.

Turkey Vultures have returned in number.

I see them most days now.

And with more hours of daylight...

I am outside when the Commuting Crows fly home.

There are still not many Flickers at the feeders.

When I do see a bird it is usually a female.

I'm hoping that numbers increase as spring arrives.


  1. Interesting new project, Beth! Have you seen the new moon design by Kathy Barrick? It is being released at Market. Happy Friday!

  2. Hello! Always love your nature observations. Here in central Iowa I've heard new robins arriving and the squirrels seem 'squirrelier' (giddy-ier) than usual, LOL. All that 'love in the air' stuff! I, too, will be stitching the Thirteens Moons SAL by The Little Stitcher. <3 <3 Have a wonderful weekend!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.