Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday's Walk

This Wednesday Walk begins in my sister's Dahlia Garden.

The Dahlia Garden has several natural Springs around the perimeter. 

And a Rambling Rose near her Garden Gate.

She is also the 'owner' of our monstrously large Pussy Willow.  It's feet are near one of the Springs - nice and damp - which the Pussy Willow enjoys.

This Oak marks the right side entrance to our driveway.  I like the structure of the Oak as it is defined against a blue Winter sky. 

Osoberry, Osoberry, Osoberry!

Methuselah's Beard - a lichen - this long draping bunch reminded me of the cobwebs in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion.

We've had rain on and off, and the Big Creek is running briskly along.

The mosses and ferns have responded to the rain.  If you look closely you can see the small moss seed heads popping up. 

The mushrooms too are happy - This is Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor).

I don't know what this is though it has similar characteristics to Turkey Tail.

A lovely blue-sky day.

See you next week! 


  1. So enjoyed this week's walk, Beth! That Methuselah's Beard is very cool looking.

  2. What a pleasant walk! I like those turkey tails!!


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