Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday's Hummers

I think my female Anna's must be busy nesting.

The only bird I've seen in the past few days in an adult male Anna's who continues to watch and defend the backyard.  



More sunshine

At the feeder

Defending the feeder.
Tuesday and Wednesday night are supposed to be very cold, down into the 'teens. It is amazing that these little birds can withstand that kind of cold.


  1. Very cool looking pictures of the male, Beth! Happy Sunday!

  2. Such a beautiful bird. I love hummers.

  3. Beautiful photos of such sweet birds. Our feeders are being drained quickly, yet we are not observing as many migrating hummers as we did this time last year. Maybe more in March. I will keep a closer eye out to see if I'm seeing an even mix of males & females at our feeders, as I may have some females nesting too! Thanks for letting me know it is time to hang the basket of nesting material as we have seen a few visitors. Haven't noticed any other nesting birds in our area, but I think it is getting into that window. We too have a cold front coming thru this week, but probably not as cold as what you deal with.


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