Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday's Hummers

The hummers are out and about.

The guys are courting and are pretty territorial.

Lots of posturing...

...and ruffled feathers.

Glinting in the sunlight.

And then there are the quieter females.

Just observing...

...and eating.

A guy

A gal

A guy and gal.


  1. They look adorable with their ruffled feathers. Happy Sunday, Beth!

  2. Beautiful hummer photos. Interesting that you are observing the start of their courtship. I'll have to pay more attention to that. As you inspired me to hang nesting material out for the hummers, I do hope you'll post when you feel it is time to put it back up for the coming nesting season. I'm in So. Cal. and thinking with our warmer weather it may be time now????


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.