Friday, February 4, 2022

Kitty Cat

 Design - "2005 Collector's Heart"

Designer - Heart in Hand

Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST
Started - 2006
Completed - 2006

On Monday after work, I stepped outside to fill up a couple of bird feeders. It was about 5:20pm and still light. Much to my surprise there was  a bobcat on the sidewalk no more than 10 feet from me. I froze and watched him/her and the cat watched me for a few seconds before turning to the right and trotting off. That's the closest I've ever been to a bobcat!

Here are a few backyard bobcat photos from January 2021. It may well be the same animal that I encountered.

Bobcat at night.

Afternoon bobcat

A raccoon trots by.

Seven minutes later, a bobcat lopes along.

Fourteen minutes later - same animal?


  1. Sweet heart stitch, Beth! Glad the bobcat decided not to check you out, but to wander off. He/she looks very healthy.

  2. Oh boy, that had to be a little scary!!! I am so happy the bobcat decided to leave!

  3. Wow, that is amazing. The closest I've ever been is looking off my upstairs back porch at one crossing through the back of our fenced yard. They are beautiful animals. Your pictures are amazing.

    Lisa B.


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