Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday's Hummers

The Anna's are tough little birds.
They've come through the cold and snow just fine.

Here's to milder temperatures and sunnier days!


  1. I'm only familiar with Red Throated hummingbirds and they leave Iowa in winter. What do the Anna's humming birds eat in winter besides nectar from your feeder especially when it's cold, snowy, and iced over? How many times do you put out nectar during cold days? I'm assuming there's no such thing as a heated hummingbird feeder.

    I hope you have a good 2022!

  2. Amazing how tough hummers really are. Beautiful photos. I want to share a link to an article about caring for hummers in cold British Columbia, as I think you might enjoy it Beth. note: I can't get the hyperlink working to this url, so you will need to copy paste to read the article.


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