Monday, January 31, 2022

A New Yard Bird!


Design - "December Stamp"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Mocha Cashel linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 December 2010
Completed - 28 December 2010

I'm excite to share a new yard bird with you.

This is the usual kind of raptor I see.

A large, young Cooper's Hawk.
Now for my Thursday Afternoon Surprise.
A warning - it is a bit gruesome as it is eating dinner.

Look at thus guy!

Look at the HUGE yellow eye.
That's what immediately caught my attention.

It's a Peregrine Falcone!
And yes it's eating a bird - you can see the feathers in its mouth and flying in the wind on the right side of the photo/

As I said a bit gruesome.

But what a magnificent bird.

I was fortunate to have a co-worker ID it for me - she was extremely jealous.

At one point there were only 47 breeding pairs in the lower 48 states, but with protection and the end of DDT, they've made a good come-back.

I don't know that I'll ever see it again, but I certainly will continue to look and take photos of the raptors that land in this old-growth snag.


  1. What a fabulous sighting, Beth! Yes gruesome, but a fact of life in nature.

  2. SOOO COOOOL!!!!! As soon as I saw the eye and dark cheek I knew it was a peregrine. I have to say if I saw it in person, I'd be so excited I' be doubting what I saw. And I'd probably be shaking so much my photos would be a blur.

  3. What a treat. He looks very healthy. Thanks for sharing. Excellent photos.

  4. Oh my my my - what a beautiful bird. And you are so blessed to have seen it - the photos are phenomenal. I just showed my husband. We love birds of all kinds, too.

    I always do feel bad for the bird that is the prey, but it is nature's way - and we all know by now that nature knows best.

    Love this. Thank you so much.

    Lisa Buick


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.