Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday's Walk

Off we go on a walk. 

Raindrops on fir boughs

A muddy path down to Dorothy's Creek.
The work of deer and bear, but also a beaver?

Dorothy's Creek now has a dammed pool - a beaver's work?

The cottonwoods glow against the blue sky 

Here's the Big Creek.

Moss and lichens

Muddy prints at the edge of the Big Creek - again, beaver?

There's now a good sized dam in the Big Creek and one night when we came home we saw a beaver eating grass at the edge of the driveway. 

Bright cottonwood leaf to send you on your way!


  1. The picture of the cottonwoods against the blue sky is gorgeous, Beth. We had beaver issues during the summer of 2020, so far no sightings in 2021.


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