Monday, November 29, 2021

Another Siskin Winter?


Design - "Thanksgiving" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric -32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 threads over 2 strands
Started - 20 November 2011
Completed - 22 November 2011

I think it is going to be another Pine Siskin winter.

I counted a mixed flock of 30 Pine Siskins and Lesser Goldfinches the other day.

Bright yellow birds are the Lessers.

They are both all about Sunflower chips.

There were also lots of Siskins waiting their turn.

They are the type of bird that flocks together.

This means I'll be buying bird food more often this winter!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the Pine Siskin population! Love the Thanksgiving piece. I stitched it for an exchange piece back in the day.


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