Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday's Hummers

The week has gotten away from me and I've only a couple of photos to show. 

Here's a female Anna's.

This single bird in no way reflect the activity at the hummingbird feeders.
I bought another feeder and so I now have two at the front of the house, and six, yes six in the back. And I'm refilling them twice a week! 


  1. We are down to one lone feeder and maybe 3-4 birds if that. While I love the fall months, it is sad to see the hummers go.

  2. Wow, you do have a lot of feeders (and hummers). I have three in my front courtyard and 1 in the back. During migrating season I typically have 6-8 feeders going. But something odd seems to be happening right now as mine are draining the feeders more than they normally do this time of year.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.