Wednesday, October 6, 2021


The 2nd year cub came by Monday evening just as we were finishing dinner.

He messed with a couple of feeders, before we were able to run him off.

The bad news is that an air horn bothers him not at all.

He then climbed the Douglas fir and reached over to grab my biggest bird feeder.

He happily munched away until I began to walk toward him.

The good news is that he is very scared of people.

But then Tuesday morning I discovered that he'd climbed our deer fence and taken down the pole system in the front of the house.  With wet ground the pole system was fine - not bent, and all the feeders were okay.  All I lost was a plastic weather dome.  So now I've taken these feeders down as well as the one on the Douglas fir - I'll wait a week and see if I feel I can put them back up. 


  1. Sorry about the bear intrusion, Beth. He looks really healthy though. Hope he continues to remain scared of people.

  2. I'm not sure I like knowing that you walked "towards the bear". But I'm glad he was scared of people and ran off. Still, please be careful. This guy is getting really big. Makes me wonder if an air rifle would scare him off, but not do any harm. Not sure they are any louder than an air horn. Stay safe.

  3. WOW! You're a brave one Beth! 🐻🤤😲😨


  4. What a little pain in the neck bear!!! My neighbor takes all her feeders down by 4 each day. Sounds like that may not be enough!


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