Saturday, October 23, 2021

Saturday's Critters

Focus on smaller critters this Saturday. 

Cute as the dickens Douglas Squirrel.

Brush Rabbit and Douglas Squirrel.

Douglas Squirrel

Brush Rabbit

Dozing in the sunshine.

Western Gray Squirrel

Sunflower seeds for all!


  1. Love the golden brown coloring of the Douglas squirrel! I noticed squirrels in the front yard yesterday. Makes me think the hawk has moved off.

  2. Hi Beth, Love these photos! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty that surrounds us each and everyday.

  3. Cute critters. That rabbit resting in the sunshine is so sweet. It must feel very safe and comfy in your garden.

  4. yah, I hope that rabbit has one eye open for danger. love the squirrels.

  5. Aqui en Alicante las ardillas son marrones, y conejos no he visto....
    Preciosas fotos....


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