Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A Little Finish

Design - "Marsh Tit"

Chart - "Winter Animals II"

Designer - The Little Stitcher

Fabric - 32 count raw Belfast linen

Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads

Started - 30 September 2021

Completed - 6 October 2021

He's a rather sweet little bird - reminiscent of our chickadees. 

The hawks are back. I'm seeing Sharp-shinned, and the larger Cooper's Hawks - like this guy.

There are now some House Finches around.

Still seeing small groups of Cedar Waxwings.

And more and more Golden-crowned Sparrows.

Like these guys.

While I have Juncos all year, there are far more now. On the valley floor they are pretty much winter birds, and something that many people look forward to seeing in their yards this time of year.


  1. Your Marsh Tit stitch is adorable, Beth. Well done! While I haven't seen the hawk, I think he is hanging around in the tree tops as the squirrels are rare sights the last few days.

  2. Beautiful stitchery, as well as photos of sweet birds. Well, I'm not sure I consider hawks as sweet but I do thoroughly enjoy watching them too!

  3. I have never seen a pink bird. What is it.

  4. I love that little stitched bird, so cute! What a strange color for the finch! Those juncos are such faithful little birds. I see them a lot in my yard and one always manages to nest somewhere in the yard or deck!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.