Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday's Hummers

Watching every day - are their still some Rufous out and about?

They'll be leaving soon. 



Male Anna's

Wow!  Two birds!

Female and male Anna's

Juvenile male Anna's - a study in pink!

Rufous bath time

See all the brown that distinguishes the bird from an Anna's?

The brown sides are pretty clear in this photo.

And one more Anna's floral photo!


  1. Glad the Rufous is still hanging around.

  2. Great post for Hummer Sunday. I love it. I just returned home (So. Cal) and need to fill up my feeders. With luck I can still attract some hummers to come closer. Fortunately we do have plenty of plants still blooming which hummers like. No rush, but maybe sometime you can share more photos & insights on your birdbath that your hummers like. I don't have one, but I'm interested. I'm curious how to get one that is not too deep for those little hummers.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.