Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday's Hummers

Today's post is a celebration of the Rufous Hummingbirds.  They are beginning to move about preparing for their southern migration and suddenly I have four or more birds.  They'll only be here for a couple more weeks, so let's enjoy these scamps.

I've enjoyed these summer visitors.


  1. They are cute and I bet they are fun to watch!

  2. Your hummers are beautiful and look like they have put on a little weight, which will help them thru the travels. I'll let you know when they make it to my home in So. Cal. They are all welcome to pop by for a drink and plenty of flowers planted special for hummers. I sure hope they will come for a visit. Next best thing to having you visit.

    BTW - I heard an interesting quote about sedge grass which I hope will help me learn to identify them, but I suspect you already know: "Rushes are round, sedges have edges, and grass has joints"

  3. I think those are such a beautiful color!!


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