Friday, September 17, 2021

Coming and Going

Design - "Cardinal Sampler"
Chart - "Winter Trio"
Designer - Twisted Threads
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads 
Started - 6 February 2014
Completed - 7 February 2014

September is a month of transition with some birds leaving, while others arrive. 

I noticed a flash of bright yellow.

A male Wilson's Warbler - he's on an outbound migration I expect.

And here's an incoming winter bird - a Golden-crowned Sparrow.
After being alerted to their return by another birder, I got out my binoculars and found a couple luring in the brush. 

This guy is here all year, but seems to be more active at the feeders in fall and winter. A male House Finch.


  1. Your cardinal sampler is darling! Boy, what a brilliant yellow that bird is!

  2. You definitely have my interest peaked to learn yet another aspect of Birding: Seasonal migration. I know the Orioles are a seasonal bird, but I haven't really ever paid attention to which birds come/go and their respective timing. Now I want to learn thanks to you. Great bird sightings you are sharing today. I love that bright hello male Wilson's Warbler, but all birds are beautiful in their own way.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.