Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Brite Birds

This sampler is called "Brite Birds", a freebie issued in 1998 from Barrick Samplers. I stitched the piece of 32 count raw Belfast linen. I began on the 12th July 2009and finished it the 16th of July 2009. I used the DMC colors as listed. I changed the date to 2009 and high-lighted my name: b,e,h,t (Beth) in Topaz rather than the black as charted.

This bird is no longer very bright.

Female American Goldfinch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

A rather scraggly looking Steller's Jay

Molting is generally not a good look!


  1. Love your Brite Birds piece, Beth! Lovely bird photos as well! I really like the scruffy looking Steller's Jay.

  2. Too funny. Molting is definitely not a good look, especially on a Stellar Jay. I've never seen one looking so upkept and such darker colors. But I'm sure by next Spring it will look stunning and happily attracting a mate.


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