Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Reindeer and Woodpeckers


A few leaves on the border and a bit more progress on the reindeer.

I'm enjoying watching young woodpeckers.

This is a little female Downy Woodpecker.

And here's a young Hairy Woodpecker.

It's on its own now, no longer hanging out with its parents.

It is impossible to tell whether it it male or female.

All young Hairy Woodpeckers have red atop their heads.

As it matures it will loose the red if it is female.  If it is male, the red will settle to the back of the head,

We're in for some very hot weather again later this week - I'll keep the bird baths and fountains filled and clean.


  1. Awesome progress on the reindeer piece, Beth! The young birds look amazing. Stay cool and hydrated!

  2. Sweet babies and sweet stitch!



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