Monday, July 12, 2021

Goodies Galore!


One or two new cross stitch charts might have found their way here.
The middle row is a series by Cottage Garden Samplings.  I especially like the bee hive and the robin.  

Most mornings this snag has either a Raven or two, or a Turkey Vulture.
I think the vulture looks like the top figure of a totem pole.

I miss having a House Wren pair nesting nearby.
So was pleased to see a Bewick's Wren.

No singing, but it did pose nicely.

The white eyebrow...

...and the upright tail help to ID this bird.

One or two summer Robins work in the front lawn many mornings.

The Black-headed Grosbeaks have fledged and are begging up a storm!


  1. Lovely birds and nice haul of new charts, Beth!

  2. Your new stash is great Beth! Especially the Cottage Garden patterns.

  3. That wren is such a pretty little bird! Great haul!


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