Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Coastal Walk

Road Trip!
We spent part of Saturday afternoon at the coast in Florence, Oregon.  

We started out  just past the Oregon Dunes Recreational Area at the South Jetty of the Siuslaw River.
I was surprised to see a ground squirrel there.

Lots of Pearly Everlasting.

Not sure what this is.

Gentle dunes merging into the shore line. 

The Jetty

Close up

Windy, sunny at 65f - typical Oregon summer coastal weather.

Gull and Brown Pelican

Crab minus legs

The tide was coming in.

Lots of shells whole and broken.

And lots of bird action along the jetty as the Siuslaw River met the Pacific Ocean.
Brown Pelican.

Common Murres

Brown Pelican and Gull

Common Murre

Double-crested Cormorant and Gull

Double-crested Cormorant

Common Murre

Pigeon Guillemot 
A most pleasant afternoon.


  1. Wow! What a great way to spend the day. Great photos!


  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures from your road trip, Beth! What a beautiful place!

  3. What an absolutely delightful walk. I just wish I could have joined you. BTW - I have spotted several Pigeon Guillemot, in the San Juan Islands this summer. Sweet birds that make such sweet calls.


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