Tuesday, July 6, 2021

A Summer Finish and Summer Bird

Design - "Muguet & Violettes"
Designer - Danybrod
Fibers - DMC
Fabric- 32 count linen
Stared - 5 June 2021
Completed 4 July 2021

A finish!  A finish!

On the birding front...

The American Goldfinches are still gathering nesting material.

Time to get busy!

And I got a brief look at another small yellow bird.

My first of season Orange-crowned Warbler. 

Normally there's not much of an orange crown to see, so I got lucky!
Pleased to share this summer visitor and I hope that other warblers wend their way over to the backyard. 


  1. Congratulations on a beautiful new stitchery finish. And, how lucky to get a photo of an Orange-crowned Warbler. I have never seen one before. Pretty cool.

  2. Your finish is SO gorgeous Beth!


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