Saturday, June 12, 2021

May's Trail Camera Photos - Dorothy's Creek

What did the camera 'capture' in May? 

Steller's Jay

Brush Rabbit

Gray Squirrel on the run.

Up a tree trunk

On look-out

Leaping and bounding

A skunk

A couple of deer

Four of them


Daytime travels

And lots of bear activity.

Note the big brown patch on the right haunch. 

Hope you enjoyed the photos.


  1. Always enjoy seeing your critter pictures, Beth! I wonder if that is the same bear that was in your backyard.

  2. I love the trail shots. All that bear activity. My daughter is pet sitting and she brings in the bird feeder as there have been several bear sightings in the area!

  3. I always enjoy your trail cam photos. That was a lot of activity. Makes me wonder what goes on in my backyard at night.


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