Monday, May 10, 2021

Owls and Grosbeaks

Design - "A Baltimore Bride - Sophia"
Designer- Summer House Stitche Works
Fabric - 28 count Picture This Plus Doubloon Cashel
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 November 2015
Completed - 18 January 2016  

Saturday night we had two loud juvenile Great Horned Owls close in.  They yell!  It's a loud "Eeeep!" sound.

Sunday morning a small group of Evening Grosbeaks came to the feeders.

Only four birds - two guys and two gals.
For the past three years the number of birds I see in the spring has diminished.

Makes me sad, as they are among my favorite spring birds.

How do you not like the colors and the eyebrow...

...and that beak!

You too Lady!  I like you too!

Just two guys hanging out.

I hoe they decide to stay around for a few days.


  1. Lovely stitch, Beth! Love the coloring on the Evening Grosbeaks.

  2. Those are such pretty birds. I don't think we have those in North Carolina. The male looks as if he is wearing ski googles, the kind that are mirrored. He's beautiful.

  3. They are beautiful birds! Well, we have baby juncos in the big flower pot. They hatched over the weekend! I will have a messy flower pot for awhile! Mama bird is very protective!

  4. I don't know that I have ever seen an evening grosbeak. WOW, they are beautiful. I am sad to read that you are seeing fewer and fewer of them. I remember when we moved to East Texas years ago and we would always hear bobwhites talking. We'd also see tons of scissortail flycatchers, but sadly both of them seemed to dwindle and all of a sudden, we didn't hear or see any of them anymore. I don't know what happened, but it was so very sad. I hope this is not the case with these beautiful birds. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with us every day. I look forward to it each morning.

  5. Beth: Adorable Owl, I really like the colors of thread used.
    Lovely photos of the grosbeaks.



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