Monday, May 24, 2021

Backyard Activity

Design - "The Cat Sampler"
Designer - The Goode Huswife
Fabric -32 count Muffin linen
Fibers - DMC - strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 May 1998
Completed - 20 May 1998

It was pleasant to have a couple of Chestnut-backed Chickadees in the backyard the other day.

While they are frequent winter visitors, I don't see much of them in the spring and summer. 

There's that chestnut back!

Surprised to have an American Goldfinch having a go at the nesting material.  They normally nest in mid-June. 

And here's a handsome Purple Finch.  The top of his head glows with color.
More Scrub Jays have been hanging around as of late. 

Two and three at the same time. 


  1. Purrfect "The Cat Sampler". I'm amazed you finished it so quickly, but them I'm a complete newbie to cross stitch. I love your work. Quite a variety of beautiful birds today. I don't think I've ever seen a Chickadee. They look like really sweet birds.

  2. Our babies are gone. I was surprised but no sign of any disturbance to the nest or the area so I feel they were just ready to fly!

  3. Lovely Sampler finish.
    And great birds pictures.


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