Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A Walk on the East Side

 After more than a year of staying close to home, last week I took a few days and ventured over to the East side of the Cascade Range.

Spaces are wide open and the views are grand.

Deschutes County is a mix of sage, and desert...

 and pine forests.

The Cascade mountain range is ever-present.

Lots in bloom for pollinators.


Narrow-leafed Balsamroot 

And plants I've yet to ID. 

Spring is here!

The Crooked River Gorge is over 300 feet deep.

The Three Sisters are over 10,000 feet tall!
This part of Oregon is expansive in every way possible.


  1. I haven't been on the East side for decades. I'm glad to hear you were able to get outside and enjoy a little trip. Beautiful scenery brings great joy.

  2. Beth , that was a beautiful trip. I am always surprised at how different the east and west sides of our states are. Those Cascades make a huge difference!

  3. Wow! Spectacular! Great photos room


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