Friday, April 30, 2021

Unusual Birds

Design - "R is for Rabbit" 
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC
Started - 19 May 2009
Completed - 9 June 2009
Framed - August 2011

While Red-winged Blackbirds are common for some folks, I don't see them often.
I had a couple of females come by.

And also a male.

As males are wont to do, he was showing off.
Lastly I managed one good photo of an Orange-crowned Warbler.


  1. Great bird pics & love.that.stitch! So cute! Love Prairie Schooler stuff😁

  2. Your PS Rabbit piece is a beauty, Beth. How fun to see the Red-winged Blackbirds. The Orange crowned Warbler is a cutie!

  3. We have a swampy area in the neighborhood and we see them down there on occasion.

  4. Beth: The R for Rabbit is a lovely design.
    The red wing blackbirds are abundant here now is the mating season, the males like to show off how wide their wings and tail feathers are, some females like to tease the males until the female gives in, they have a loud almost screeching sound but I love it due to it warm weather and they are here and fun to watch.
    Thank-you for sharing the photos.



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