Saturday, April 24, 2021

Saturday's Critters - Worth the Wait


There are chipmunks everywhere.

I've counted as many as 11!

Tough to get mad at them as they are so cute.


Let's not forget the Gray Squirrels.

Here are four of 'em.

I set out treats for the birds.

I guess there's enough for everyone.

But the exciting Critter Encounter was on Tuesday morning around 9:00am.

While I was sitting on the back patio watching birds...

Bob the Cat came by! See the quail to the left of his hind legs?

There were quail everywhere and they were most upset as you might expect.

But this guy was not hunting, he was on a mission.

All the quail nonetheless made for higher ground and safety.

They dodged a bullet!


  1. Bob the cat is very handsome. Wonder what kind of mission he was undertaking!

  2. Bob the Cat is very majestic looking. So glad quail was not on his menu!

  3. Beth: This is a very fun post of natures creatures.



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