Friday, April 16, 2021

More First of Season Birds

Design - "Alphabet with Hare" (freebie)
Designer - La-D-Da
Fabric - Unknown
Fibers - Crescent Colours - Eve's Leaves & Hunny Bunny, 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 May 2014
Completed -  9 June 2014

Seeing more First of Season Birds.
I spied a couple of White-crowned Sparrows.

As the Golden-crown Sparrows leave, these guys show up, though in much smaller numbers. 

The alternating white and black atop the head makes for an easy ID.

Though they are NOT to be confused with a White-throated Sparrow.

The white throat and yellow above the eye are their clear indentifiers.

I usually only have one bird, and sightings are sporadic.


  1. Love your La D Da piece. Beautiful bird photos, Beth!

  2. Such a beautiful little sparrow!

  3. Good Morning Beth: Your Sampler is so sweet, one of my three favorite colors are greens, thank-you for the information on the freebie.
    I love birds we have 12 feeders in our yard front and back, the sparrow is one that I love to watch, they flit and fly so close to me when i am sitting outdoors, they are a joy to see.
    Your Header is beautiful.



Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.