Monday, April 19, 2021

A Subspecies

Design - "Little Eggs" (kit)
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - unknown 32 count linen
Fibers - unknown silks - 1 strand over 2 threads
Satin stitch - 2 strands
Started - 16 April 2014
Completed - 28 April 2014

        Not seeing flocks of Bushtits any longer.

           They've paired up, so I only see one or two.

    Here's a male.

I now work with two young avid birds. One told me that there was a sub-species of White-crowned Sparrows moving through the area - Gamble's White-crowned Sparrows.
And low and behold that's what these guys are.  

The two main ID points are the black eye line that ends at the eye and does not reappear in the front of the eye to the beak. 

The other is the bright color of the bill.

It was kind of fun to figure this out.


  1. Your stitch is adorable. What a fun sighting of the new to you bird!

  2. Beth: I adore Shepherd Bush designs, they always have such sweet buttons to add for the final touch.
    The bird is very interesting, I do not recall this bird in our area.


  3. How exciting to find a new species!!


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