Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wednesday's Walk

It's a great day to enjoy a virtual walk.  Let's go.

If you look carefully on the right side of the Grand Hound's Tongue you can see the blossom stalk.  Though the plant is large, it is a member of the Forget-me-not family.  When you see the bloom, you'll see why. 

Soon this Trillium will have a white flower.

When I looked two weeks ago there was no sign of any Alpine Shooting stars (Dodecatheon alpinum).  This week, the plants are erupting from the earth.  They have a very unusual bloom.  One of my favorites.

The Osoberry bushes are in full leaf and blooming now.

The Cow Parsnip is gaining momentum too.  Some of these plants will grow to be over 6 feet tall. 

Many of the shrubs and bushes that create the under canopy beneath the Douglas Fir trees are leafing out.

The pollinators are swarming anything in bloom including these small daisies. 

This delicate wildflower is called Spring Beauty.  I think it is a claytonia of some sort.

The deer are mad for Dandelions.  Fresh greens to eat.

The Hawthorn has begun to bud out.

The Iris clumps are in good form now and look fresh and vigorous.

This time of year I am always amused at the long wobbly leaders the young Douglas Fir trees sport.

There are some rather wild shapes.

They all seem to make for good bird perches.
I hope you this Spring Time Walk.


  1. Enjoyed walking with you today, Beth. Awesome pictures and the plus for a virtual walk, no pollen side effects!

  2. Thank you for the wonderful walk!


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