Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday's Walk

It's an especially lovely day today. 

The sun is shining...

...the sky is blue and plants are blooming!

Pussy Willow

Turkey Tails

Oaks Galls

Thalictrum - Meadow Rue


Trillium amongst invasive ivy.

About to bloom

In bloom

Osier Dogwood

Cow's Parsnip


The natural world is really greening up!


  1. What a beautiful day for a walk! It is overcast here with rain coming later. Things are beginning to green up here as well.

  2. I love when your 'header' changes with the month or the season. It's like a burst of fresh stitching inspiration!

  3. I really love those turkey tails. My neighbor had some on a dead stump and I actually took pictures of them. The colors blended so prettily!


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