Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday's Walk - St Patrick Edition

Lots of green to enjoy on St Patrick's Day.


The Big Field



Whatever this tree is, it is the earliest to bloom.

The hillsides are dotted with this tree in bloom.

Oregon Grape

Pussy Willow

I think the right side of the beaver's dam has been breeched.

The Big Creek

A smaller creek in dappled sunlight.

Naturalizing Grape Hyacinths 

A wild Geranium of some sort.


An yes, this is bear scat!


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Beth! What beautiful pictures you shared from your walk! Everything is greening up nicely there.

  2. We have the same blooming white trees here. I have wondered what they are. I hope you had a good St. Patrick's Day. My DH got his second vaccine shot so we are having a low key evening. I got my second a few weeks ago. Have your parents gotten the vaccine yet?


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