Friday, March 19, 2021

Lots of Luck


Design - "Happy St. Patrick's Day"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 28 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - GAST and WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Sarted - 3 April 2016
Completed - 9 April 2016

Lots of luck and lots of bitty birds.

Every morning, regular as clockwork, a group of 6-8 Bushtits comes by.

Later in the spring they'll break up into pairs.

I think the Flickers are already pairing up.

And what's up with this Acorn Woodpecker?

Is she looking for a nesting cavity?

I'll keep watching.

Blue eyes means she's a young bird.


  1. Another lovely St. Patrick's piece, Beth! The bushtits are adorable. Glad that there are some pairings going on.


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