Monday, February 1, 2021

February's Blog Header

Here are the details of the Blog Header.  This time, just to confuse everyone, I'll name them using horizontal rows. 

Row 1: Heart in Hand, Bits and Pieces "Hodgepodge Hearts"; Bent Creek, Snappers "February Glows";  DMC, Color Variations "Love Your Hearts"; Heart in Hand, "2000 Collector's Heart" (I changed year to 2002); Heart in Hand, "Gentle Heart".

Row 2: Heart in Hand, Wee One "Be Mine"; Brightneedle, "Twin Hearts Sampler"; Heart in Hand, "2005 Collector's Heart" (I changed the date to 2006); then below it is Heart in Hand, Mother's Wisdom "Be Nice". 

Row 3: Top with white fabric Ibex Designs, "Rainbow Pillow"; beneath the rainbow hearts is Heart in Hand, "Stack of Hearts";  Heart in Hand, "One Love"; Heart in Hand, "2004 Collector's Heart"; Heart in Hand, Monthly Mania "February"; " Heart in Hand, "2006 Collector's Heart"; Bent Creek, "Love".

There you have it!



  1. Fantastic work Beth. I especially love the rainbow hearts and the alphabet heart with the trailing 'x,y,z' tail.😁💗💖

  2. Your February header is fabulous, Beth! I will be checking it out in greater depth later.

  3. Lovely, all those pretty hearts!

  4. What a wonderful selection of hearts! I always love your Blog Headers.

  5. Such a lovely month to display! I think I like the Hodgepodge Hearts the best. Is the heart on the left supposed to look like a cat?!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.