Friday, January 8, 2021

Tough Week


Design - "TaDa Snow Guy"
Designer - Amy Bruecken Designs
Fabric - 28 count WDW Peoria Purple
Fibers - WDW, GAST, Crescent Colors
Started - 24 January 2011
Completed - 31 January 2011

It has been an extremely tough week for the United States.  I generally do not mention what is happening on the national stage, but this past week has been so extreme, that I cannot ignore it. I would hope it is clear where I stand on the integrity of our elections and the peaceful transition of power. 'Nuf said.

 Thank goodness for birds.

Especially fat, round, little cute ones. 

The Bushtits swarmed the feeders in the front of the house. 

Including a peanut feeder, which I've not observed before. 

That's the great thing about birds - even if you are seeing the same birds over and over again, you still have the opportunity to observe a new behavior or pattern. 

This was a cold, frosty morning. 

I like the long, delicate legs of the bird on the side of the feeder. 

A quizzical look. 

Picture postcard perfect! 


  1. These pics cheered me immensely.

  2. Each one of your bird photos is awesome, but the last one is positively picture postcard worthy. Cute snowman!

  3. Hi Beth,
    a silent Reader from Germany here.
    Wanted to say thank you for your always lovely Pictures of the beautiful animals who are visiting your Garden and your beautiful stitching.
    Since wednesday i'm watching CNN in total shock and i really hope, that nothing like this happening again.
    Stay safe and have a nice and hopefully peaceful new Week.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.