Tuesday, December 22, 2020

You Never Know

Design - "Reindeer"
Chart - "Christmas Past" #51
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Black Zweigart linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 21 December 2012
Completed - 26 December 2012

The black linen was challenging, but I like the effect.  The reindeer appears to be floating across a dark moonlit night sky. 

If you can make time to be outside for 20-30 minutes day after day, eventually you are rewarded with the unexpected. Friday morning about 11:00am I decided to take a break and went outside. I expect to find nuthatches working in an oak tree, but instead...
...though they never made a sound, something made me look up... 

A group of around 20 White Pelicans swooped and soared and floated overhead. 

Such a gift to watch these stately birds.  Notice their wings - the tips are slightly tilted which helps their graceful flight.

Close up for a moments. 

Then off to the south they flew.
Lesson: Pause with the busyness of daily life.  Quiet your mind.  Be still and wait.
Watch and listen.  You will be rewarded time and time again. 


  1. What a gift! And I love your stitch!

  2. Love your Reindeer...this is so cool looking. He does look like he is flying through the Dark Skies of the Night.

    Love your other pictures as well.

    Hope that you have a Merry Christmas

    Happy Stitching :)
    Linda K, Buttercup

  3. Another sweet reindeer! What lovely shots of the pelican group! Good advice about looking up or looking around you!


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