Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday's Hummers

I've had up to 4 birds perched and drinking out of the same feeder.

Three is the most I've managed to capture.

And it's always a group of females.

This guy is not into sharing.

I've gotten used to having a pair drinking.

It's no longer a big deal.

Though really it is a big deal.

Solo guy - I did see two males buzzing around.

In the pouring rain.

Can you see the raindrops on her beak?


  1. Gotta love the hummers! I've never had more than one least not that I've noticed...very cool pics.....

  2. Amazing! I'm in Ohio and have never had luck getting "my" hummers to share. Occasionally 2 will be there on opposite sides but once they see each other, look out! Our hummers left abruptly in September this year.
    We are snowy here now so I have a couple seed feeders out. One is open with a roof over it and yesterday some bird decided to camp in there while snacking away for the longest time. I couldn't get a good enough look to see what kind of bird he was, besides hungry! but he kept even the blue jays away until he was done. Everyone else then was good about sharing and not hogging the space. Much more entertaining than anything on TV! Thanks for sharing your with us.
    Have a good day :)


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