Sunday, December 6, 2020

November's Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

Who was in the backyard?


A raccoon

Another sighting 

And a 3rd time.

An opossum

And a skunk

A buck

Another buck

Doe and fawns

Lip-smacking good!

We call this doe Floppy Ear.

Several sightings of a bobcat in the afternoon.

And after dark.

And in the morning. 

#1 bobcat

#2 bobcat following close behind

4:00pm seems a good time.

And now for our "mystery" animal.

Never seen this pussy cat before!


  1. You have a good assortment of critters, Beth! The Bobcats look really healthy. I wonder where the cat came from.

  2. You certainly have a busy intersection there!! And the deer seem to enjoy posing for their closeups. Isn't nature amazing?!

  3. Now I would be worrying about that cat. I don't usually comment but poor cat.

  4. The first bobcat is a big animal!


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