Friday, December 4, 2020

How Did I have So Much Time to Cross Stitch Back in the Day?

Design - "Wee Santa 1997"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 30 count R & R Holly linen
Fibers - GAST & Anchor
Started - 4 October 1997
Completed - 9 October 1997
I am proud of the bead-work on this one - I usually stay far, far away from any design that requires beading.

How did I used to have so much time to cross stitch back when I was working fulltime? Now I work part time and I go for days and weeks without stitching...I keep buying new charts and linen and floss though! 


I've seen two Cooper's Hawks and one Sharp-shinned Hawk.  They've been by most mornings so have impacted the activity at the feeders.  

I did find some Juncos lurking in the brush.

They are often just called Winter Birds as that's when most people see them.

I have them all year, but many more in the winter.

Here's a Red-eyed, rufous-sided Wombat!

Nope, I was wrong. It's a Spotted Towhee!

A Steller's Jay

Squawking away as jays are wont to do.


  1. Awesome photos, Beth! Your Santa is darling.

  2. That Santa is really cute. The placement of everything must have been tricky!


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