Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday's Walk


The bright yellow leaves of the Big Leaf Maples beckon.

It's time to take a walk.

I hear the deep rhythmic thump of a Pileated Woodpecker!

In the shade of the Douglas Fir there is a deciduous leaf two. 

This lichen is very attractive.

Damp and shade - perfect conditions for mushrooms.

The wild cherry's leaves are turning. 

The rain has been hard on the blackberries.  Those not eaten by the birds and deer have rotted.

We walk along on a soft cushion of duff - fir needles and moss.

When we pop back out of the forest the Big Leaf Maples reign once again. 


  1. Yes, our big leaf maples are dumping like crazy. Two rainy windy days have really made them come down!


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