Monday, November 23, 2020

Autumn's Little Guys

Design - "Autumn"
Chart - "Autumn Samplers" #66
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt Lambswool linen
Started - 10 November 1997
Completed - 25 December 1997


The Oregon Juncos are back in full force.

I counted over a dozen Friday morning.,

They are generally ground feeders...

...but will come to the deer fence feeders to eat.

That's also what this handsome Fox Sparrow is doing.  Generally a ground feeder, he's willing to hop up on the deer fence and get a quick and easy bite.

Goldfinches continue to be present.

I saw a couple of Pine Siskins too, but was not able to get a photo. 


  1. Love your PS Autumn piece! Glad the Juncos have returned!

  2. I have stitched this too and loved doing it. Gorgeous.

  3. I have always loved that PS Autumn piece.


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