Thursday, October 22, 2020

Owl and Fox

Design - "Fall Owl"
Magazine - "Just Cross Stitch" - October 2011
Designer - Casey Bounagario
Fabric - 32 count Belfast linen
Fibers - DMC and WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 October 2012

Completed - 12 October 2012

So - there's the owl...


Here's the fox.  A Fox Sparrow.

Fox Sparrows are one of my winter migrants and I'm glad to welcome back these pretty birds. 

A few Cedar Waxwings continue to linger.

They do not migrate per say, but they do move about the Willamette Valley in search of fruit and berries.
And here's another winter regular - a Cooper's Hawk survey the terrain.


  1. Another adorable owl! That Fox Sparrow looks a bit grumpy. The Cooper's Hawk is handsome.

  2. I just love that little Fall Owl! That Cooper's Hawk is some bird!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.