Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fruit and Birds


Design - "Fruit Sampler"
Designer- unknown
Chart - "Prizewinning Mini Samplers" 034819
Better Homes and Gardens
Fabric - 28 count Khaki Jobelin
Floss - DMC
Started - 5 March 1997
Completed - 8 March 1997

My cross stitch selection is an older stitch - 23 years old now, wow!  Have you been stitching long enough to remember buying cross stitch magazine and the charts featured in them?

I am most thankful for blue skies and clean air.

The Steller's Jays and California Scrub Jays are too.

Lots of California Quail out and about.  Most are sticking close to the brush as there is an active Cooper's Hawk in the area.

Monday I was pleased to see the FOS (first of the season) Golden-crowned Sparrow. 

The bird had flown down from the north (Alaska, the Yukon and British Columbia)to spend the winter here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Beth, I enjoyed your blue-skied pictures today. I am relieved that the air is clearer for you and all my PNW friends. Lovely bird photos! I love that stitch you featured. And yes, I remember the magazines and their featured charts.


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