Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday's Hummers

We're coming down to the end of the time that the Rufous Hummingbirds will still be active here.

The adult males left ages ago, but the females and young birds are still haning around.

They fuss and argue with one another.

This looks like a mature female to me.

And this, I think is a young Rufous.

Lighter colors, floofier feathers...

Is he winking at me?

The Anna's are a bit more peaceable.
Here two are hanging out with an American Goldfinch.

When there are two birds sharing a feeder, it's the Anna's.

Though even they prefer to eat alone.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely hummer pictures, Beth! I am going to make sure the camera is charged so I can get some hummer pictures this coming week.


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