Monday, August 31, 2020

Just Fourteen Days Later

Design - "Baubles - August"
Designer - Sam Sarah Design Studio
Fabric -28 count Zweigart Newport natural / cream linen 
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 2 September 2016
Completed -5 September 2016

The Barn Swallow babies hatched late Sunday August 16th.  Just 14 days later on Saturday the 29th they fledged.  Kind of...

Two of the young birds were able to fly - liked crazy, drunken pilots, but they did fly.  And came back to the ground to rest, like this one... 

...and this one.

The other two also left the nest...

...but were not going to fly.

Instead, they've hung out on the garage floor for the past two days.   

Their parents have been feeding them, so we've left them alone.

As it gets dark, they've flown back up into the nest where they are safe for the night.  I'm hoping they 'find their feathers' on Monday and begin to fly in earnest.


  1. Isn't it amazing how they go from hatching to fledging in 14 days? I hope the 'late bloomers' find their flying wings today or sometime this week.

    Your sailboat piece is fun!

  2. It is such fun to watch baby birds when they first learn to fly!


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