Wednesday, August 5, 2020

First Walk in August

It's a pleasant August morning.  Let's go for a walk.

There is more going on than I expected.
Pearly Everlasting  



Queen Anne's Lace

Bull Thistle in bloom

The seed heads 

Cow's Parsnip seed heads

Bright red berries

Berries of False Solomon's Seal 

Chalk white berries

Columbia Lily Seed heads

As a kid, I used to strip these seeds of the plant and use them as 'food' for my tea parties.

This looks like a hank of skunk's fur 




Early signs of fall  Vine Maple

Leaves on the bottom have an orange cast

Leaves on the top are redder. 

See you next week!


  1. What beautiful plants to see as you walk, Beth!

  2. My vine maple is as green as can be. I bought it for color and so far I haven't had any and it is three years old. I think maybe it gets too much shade. It was a lovely walk!


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