Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wednesday's Garden Update

Every year this clump of lilies explodes with color and scent.

It sits just to the left of the front porch and when the wind blows we can smell it from the back patio!

It truly is glorious.

What with One Thing or another (mostly One Thing), this has been a weird gardening year.  I finally ordered a few plants from a nursery in California and late last week went to a favorite nursery here in town.  
So...stuff to plant.

This area to the left of the porch needed revitalizing and in-filling.

I set out a Toad Lily and hosta and fern in the back row and two more hostas in the middle of the bed. The two kniphofia and other young plants will go in a sunny flowerbed. 
Looking good!


  1. Your lilies are beautiful, Beth. Hope the new plants thrive in their new spots!

  2. Those lilies are so beautiful!! The deer think of my hostas as salad. The doe is still coming so I can only protect one area with a sprinker. Very frustrating. My neighborhood does not allow total fencing so I do not have that option even if I came up with the money it would take.


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