Monday, July 20, 2020

Fledglings Flourish

I haven't had much time lately to stitch, but I did make a bit more progress on "Chester's" border.  I'm down to filling in the final color.

It's the time of "younguns". Fledglings are flourishing!

Young House Finch on the left, adult male on the right.

I has pleased to finally capture a newly fledged Flicker.

Fledgling on the left, adult on the right. 

Yes, the extremely well-fed baby is probably larger than it's father.


Here's a fledgling Downey Woodpecker.

It's been out of the nest long enough that its parents are no longer present.

A weary adult male Lesser Goldfinch on the left and two begging babies on the right. 


  1. All the young look really healthy! Their parents are taking good care of them.

  2. Such fun seeing the parents with the young birds!

  3. I love seeing all the pictures of the birds and wildlife in your yard. Please tell me what kind of camera you use. I have only my iphone and I certainly don't get the pictures that you do.



Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.