Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The House Wrens Set up Housekeeping

Design - "Keeper of the Bees"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 32 count Belfast Dirty Linen
Fibers - Anchor & Threadgatherer
Started - 24 April 2005
Completed - 7 August 2005
Framed - July 2010

I thought the simplicity / complexity of the border was most clever.  I liked it so much, that when it came time to have the piece framed, I decided it did not need a mat to provide separation - the border did that just fine.  

This piece tested me a bit - Threadgatherer Silks were used to create the four spiderweb rosettes - some turned out better than others. I came to the conclusion that it looked like nature - each flower a bit different than the others.  Lastly, I was most pleased with the frame.  I felt that the running floral pattern echoed the rambling flowers in the stitch.

Finally, after a couple of weeks of non-stop sing...

...the male House Wren has a mate.

He's up on the gutter, she's in the house.

Here she is!

He's been keeping a close watch.

I'm excited to watch them build a nest and raise a family.


  1. Love the beehive and the border. The border gives the
    simple beehive an air of elegance. Wishing you a very
    well week!

  2. Woohoo on the male house wren claiming a mate! Love stitch, Beth!

  3. yah---a new family to watch--
    so happy for you--
    love your new stitchery--
    luv, di


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