Thursday, June 25, 2020

Summer Celebration

Design - "Litha: Summer Solstice" (freebie)
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 25 count Vintage Country Mocha Lugana
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 June 2014
Completed - 23 June 2014

Summer is here - let's celebrate.

The House Wrens are parents now.  

I watch them fly in and out of the house.  Often when they leave, they are carrying a fecal sac to help keep the nest clean of feces.  Pretty clever of Mother Nature.

As best I can tell the Black-capped Chickadees are done nesting.

I think a Downy Woodpecker created the tiny holes on this branch.

I had a female Brown-headed Cowbird show up.

Big news in Acorn Woodpeckerland!  I've seen three birds multiple times now.  This is a new bird - a male with pink eyes.

The Pine Siskins have nested and fledged.  The youngster on top successful begged for food and was fed multiple times.

And here's a young Steller's Jay!  A rumpled mess like most teenagers are.


  1. Lovely bee stitch! Loved each one of your bird photos, but my favorite in this batch is the young Stellar's Jay.

  2. Oh, how lucky I feel to have found your website! A stitching site connected us but your bird pictures bring me such joy I look forward to coming again. It is such a treat to be able to see so many different birds and to see their young. Thank you so much for sharing your hobbies.

  3. What a great project for the solstice!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.